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5. Think about your biggest or most important class. How successful are you going to be compared to everyone else?
2. I am here because (check all that apply):
6. Think about your biggest or most important class. How much effort are you going to put in compared to everyone else in that class?
7. Think about your biggest or most important class. How do you believe your intellectual ability compares to everyone else in that class?

You should revisit these 9 items every semester that you are enrolled in university. Why? Because your answers will change and it will help you to see and understand yourself better if you can track that change. Your answers will also help you to get a realistic appraisal of your own abilities and strengths relative to other students at your institution. Another reason? Completing university or college is a war. Individual courses are the individual battles in that war. You can probably tolerate losing one or two battles as long as you win the war right?

R U Ready To Learn?

The following is adapted from Independent Studies: Readiness to Learn. Centre for Teaching Excellence, University of Waterloo. Again, be as honest as you possibly can when responding. Give yourself 4 if you believe yourself to be Excellent, 3 if you believe yourself to be Good. If you are Adequate you are a 2 and 1 if you are Poor. Anything that you rate yourself 1 or 2 on indicates something that you might want to get help in trying to improve. For example, your university probably has a student assistance centre from which you can obtain coaching and/or skills training for free. Upgrading yourself in thosenareas in which you have a weakness is one of the ways you can succeed.

Life Skills: Organize your time and resources, work with others, support network available.
Independence: Autonomy, self-motivation, self-reliance, resourcefulness, initiative and judgement.
"Basic" Skills: Literacy, numeracy, graphicity, computer literacy, etc.
Info Skills: Find info using libraries; abstracts; community resources; interpreting data, charts, tables, timetables, etc.
Study Skills: Organize material for projects, note-taking & reading for different purposes, understanding assignment requirements.
Learning to Learn: Aware of task demands, self-knowledge of learning preferences, aware of learning process, self-evaluation.
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Planning: Ability to design a plan for learning, carry out that plan systematically & sequentially.
Problem Development: Formulate questions that are answerable through various research activities (projects, library, readings).
Analytics Skills: Select & use most effective means of acquiring info, analyse & organise info, ability to select most relevant and reliable info.
Communication Skills: Write reports, essays, instructions, discourse, display data, etc.
Evaluation Skills: Collect evidence of accomplishments & have it evaluated, ability to accept constructive feedback from others.
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Competition Skills: Identify problem areas, revise work, commitment to completing units and program.
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